ICC KIDS is a reflection of our passion to build great kids and encourage them as the future of the kingdom of God. Our kids experience meaningful music, fun activities, and relevant lessons about Jesus and
His mission.
Age Range
Toddler: 24-47 months
Kids: 6-11 years
Meeting Times
ICC Kids meet during Friday Night Services at 7:30PM and Sunday services at 10:00AM and 12:00PM
*Be sure to arrive early to get your children checked in to ICC Kids before service starts!
Childrens Pastor Janet Cruz-Diaz
Janet Cruz-Diaz has been the Children’s Pastor at ICC since June of 2021. Since joining ICC in 2001, Janet has worked with the various ICC Kids Ministries (Kids Church, Girls Ministry and Spanish Kids). In addition to serving at the church, Janet participated and coordinated children's curriculum and ministerial events at several ICC Mission trips to the Dominican Republic. The vision of ICC is her motto, “Reaching the City and Touching the World.” Her calling and passion are dedicated to the spiritual life of children.
She is married to her husband, Ismael, for over 28 years. Together they have raised two children, Jonathan and Isabella, and are blessed with three beautiful grandchildren: Jude, Kai and Octavia. They are the little loves of her life and continue to make her life abundantly fun and full.